Update: New Version
New Version ready to download
Admin Rungarun
December 3, 2019Our mechanics are reliable, fast and good price!
We offer you the closest to your location and our mechanics are training with the right knowledge. We also background check our mechanics. You can compare price and location with our application, so you know who suitable for you and the best price for you.
Admin Rungarun
November 16, 2019How to take care of your engine?
The best way to take care of DEUTZ engine is to prevent the engine to over heat. Try to make oil change follow the instruction book. and clean the engine after long use. Hope this would help expand the life time of your engine.
Admin Rungarun
November 16, 2019Platform that change your life.
We offer more jobs than the other can. Also create a thousand of jobs for Heavy duty industry with variety of customer and update the mechanic knowledge. We offer training for specific repair and use special tools to overhaul the engine.
Admin Rungarun
November 16, 2019Hello world!
Welcome to our place! and we are proudly present “Grease Monkey”, The best Application platform for heavy duty in the world!